Requisitos para montar una Licorera en Colombia - Licores Medellín

Requirements to set up a liquor store in Colombia


Did you know that Colombia is one of the countries in America where liquor is consumed the most, even surpassing Brazil and Venezuela? As they say, "there are people who prefer to drink than eat", and this is a very common saying and reality in all socioeconomic strata. Currently, there are many profitable businesses, as long as good administrative management is carried out. Licoreras, Licorerías or Estanquillos, as they are known in some regions of the country, are businesses that enjoy high customer traffic, especially during weekends, fortnights and festive times, not to mention the end of year season. .

What is a Decanter?

It is a commercial establishment that is dedicated to the sale of national and imported liquors, beers, wines, sweets and snacks. From this we can conclude that people usually go to these types of places when they want to celebrate, have fun or drown their sorrows. It is a business that focuses on personal emotions. These establishments can sell their products to take away (at the famous counter), to consume on site (in an environment more similar to that of a bar) or for home delivery.

In many places around the world, these types of businesses are successful if managed properly, some are even under state control (through a sales license plate) and are regulated by opening hours, alcohol consumption and use. of public space, as happens in our country.

Although alcohol can be harmful to your health, selling liquor is a profitable business in times of celebration, excitement and fear (as has been the case during the pandemic). Therefore, it is important to comply with all legal requirements to avoid problems and be successful in this type of venture.

What do I need to open a liquor store in Colombia.

To open a liquor store, it is essential to comply with a series of legal requirements. First of all, it is necessary that the liquors sold are 100% legal and have the proper departmental stamp to avoid problems with Departmental Revenue, La Dian or the municipal authority. In addition, you must have reliable suppliers, since failure to comply with this legal requirement can lead to the closure of the establishment or legal problems.

It is important to remember that the sale of liquor, cigarettes and vaping devices to minors is prohibited by law and these regulations must be complied with.

Requirements to Set up a Liquor Store in Colombia

To set up a liquor store in Colombia in 2023, it is necessary to meet the following requirements (remember that these items may vary or alternate due to changes in current regulations):

  • Register with the city's Chamber of Commerce and have the commercial registry.
  • Obtain the Land Use Certificate from an Urban Curator's Office (in large or intermediate cities) or from the Mayor's Office (in small municipalities).
  • Have the Sayco and Acinpro Certificate if you wish to play music in the establishment.
  • Obtain the Local Firefighters permit.
  • Have the Single Tax Registry before the DIAN.
  • The opening permit from the area police force.
  • The approval of the Ministry of Health for the sale of food and liquor.
  • Current Local Fumigation Certificate.
  • Finally, it is necessary to have a POS sales system to invoice and control inventories. Yes or yes in Colombia you must invoice electronically from 5 UVT (which in 2023 is equivalent to $212,060 pesos / 48 USD).

It is important to mention that the requirements to open a Liquor Store are documents that have their own procedure, which may vary depending on the department or municipality where they are located. Complying with the majority of requirements requested by the municipal authority will make the process faster and more agile.

Before embarking on opening a Liquor Store, it is essential to carry out exhaustive research to determine if you have the capacity to carry it out or if it is not profitable. It is not enough to know the product that will be sold, but also how it will be financed, what are the regulations and demands that must be adjusted to, and who will be the suppliers for the premises. These aspects are considered essential requirements to open a Liquor Store in Colombia, since no one can start something without having a clear idea of ​​what it consists of.

Space and schedule to set up a liquor store in Colombia

Another important aspect that you should take into account are the liquor sales hours, since they are regulated by law and vary depending on the municipality in which the liquor store is located. Therefore, it is essential that you know the specific regulations in your location to avoid penalties. According to the police code, the hours for the sale, sale and consumption of liquor in Colombia begin at 10:00 am. Closing times depend on where you are located and the days of the week the establishment operates. Remember that a sale of alcoholic beverages is very different from a bar or a nightclub. You must have a warehouse to store your merchandise, especially for storing beer, which is the most frequently rotated product in a liquor store in Colombia. I recommend from my own experience not to place liquor stores in areas that do not have parking, lonely places and near residential units (since neighbors are usually a problem and do not want to be affected by noise, sales traffic and drunk people in the area). evening).

The location of a Liquor Store in Colombia is a crucial aspect that directly influences its demand. It is essential to choose a busy location that complies with state laws to ensure the success of the business. Carrying out an exhaustive study of the possible locations is recommended, considering not only the influx of people, but also the accessibility of suppliers to load and unload the merchandise. It is important to avoid problems with the law and with sales, so it is recommended to locate the Liquor Store in a place that meets the legal requirements, in addition to having parking and bathrooms for customers.

Financing to set up a liquor store in Colombia

Financing to establish a liquor store in Colombia will depend on the type of service that will be provided at the location. It is also necessary to determine the type of customers that will be had, whether it will be sold to an end customer, to table consumption, home delivery or to sub-distribution, since each type of business has a different profitability. It is essential to keep in mind that depending on the type of service provided, the hiring of personnel will be required to serve customers. Additionally, it is important to consider the administrative expenses, utilities, taxes, rent and other business expenses necessary to set up a liquor store, such as the acquisition of refrigeration equipment, signs, tables, shelves and uniforms for staff.

It is important to remember that these aspects are necessary in any business, and that a good analysis will allow us to have an adequate budget. To obtain financing, you can consider the option of a bank loan or look for an investor. However, it is important to note that brands can offer financial support only if their products have been purchased directly and in large quantities over a period of time. In summary, it is essential to conduct a thorough and detailed analysis to determine the viability of the project and obtain adequate financing.

Regulations for setting up a Liquor Store in Colombia

The regulations for establishing a liquor store vary depending on where you want to locate it. Generally, a liquor license will be required to sell alcoholic beverages. It is important to take into account any specific restrictions that may be in place, such as not being able to establish a liquor store near a church, religious centers, hospitals, schools, universities, nursing homes or libraries (check your local land use or POT). . Each city has its own regulations regarding the hours and days of service that can be offered. In addition, it is prohibited to sell alcohol to minors, which is a global restriction due to the harm that early consumption of alcohol can cause. Ultimately, it is essential to know all the specific regulations of the city where the liquor store will be established to comply with all regulations and operate legally.

Suppliers to set up a liquor store in Colombia

Finding good suppliers for a liquor store is not complicated, since most of them usually visit the establishment offering their products efficiently, with the aim of generating profits for both parties. However, choosing a good supplier is essential for the success of the business. Selling a wide variety of products is important to attract customers, but this entails a large investment. For this reason, it is important to require an official and electronic invoice from suppliers, since at some point a competent authority could carry out an inspection at the premises and require important documents, such as import certificates.

If after considering all of the above, the idea of ​​opening a liquor store still persists, go ahead! Carry out the necessary procedures to obtain the required requirements in Colombia and do not miss the opportunity to have a profitable business. Furthermore, in our company we can help you stock your liquor cabinet and advise you on a wide variety of 100% legal products and drinks at the best price.

Selection of suppliers should be based on local convenience and their ability to provide cost-effective products. It is essential to evaluate not only the price and quality of the products, but also the service offered by the suppliers, as this will influence the prices that will be had in the liquor store. In this sense, it is important to be careful with resellers on the street, since although they may seem cheaper, it is difficult to know the origin of the drinks and this can result in serious problems. Remember that selling adulterated liquor can get you from the total closure of the commercial activity to days in jail in Colombia.

In summary, if you are thinking of setting up a liquor store in Colombia, it is essential that you inform yourself about the legal requirements necessary to comply with the rules and procedures established by the competent authorities. With good business management, adequate space and reliable suppliers, you can establish yourself as a profitable and successful business in the liquor market in Colombia. Dare to start a business in this exciting world! Remember that your reputation is an anchor for the future and is the success of your business.

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Comments (23)

  • Yo estoy fabricando licores de sabores
    Como limonchello, licor de café y absenta
    Como hago para legalizar mi licor?

    Oscar Gomez
  • Quiero montar una licorera y todo lo q me puedan decir sobre ello es una gran ayuda

  • Buenos días pienso montar una licorería solo para vender no para consumo en el establecimiento
    Gracias por las recomendaciones

  • Hola quisiera tener una asesoría en que licores pueden comprar para mí negocio

    Carolina Ospina
  • Yo estoy comprando de a poquito licor y lo estoy guardando para poder tener mi primer negocio y gracias a lo que acabo de leer aprendí muchas cosas para mi empresa

    Brayan Andrés Ariza Chavarría
  • Por favor quiero emprender en la venta de licor por botella manejando domicilio. No se nada al respecto me gustaría que me ayudaran que productos debo tener, donde lo puedo conseguir que sea confíable. Aclaro que no tengo mucho dinero así que me veo un poco limitada

  • Hola buenas noches me gustaría más asesoría yo tengo un pequeño mini bar y quiero saber que permiso debo de tener para l la venta de licores

  • mi estanco es de 24 horas la policia puede hacerme comparendos por el tema de horario

    la policia puede hacer comparendo por tems de horario
  • Buenos días, me gustaría obtener más información sobre ser una distribuidora, por favor, muchas gracias, feliz día.

  • Hola quiero montar una pequeña licoreria o estanco pero no para q consuman dentro del establecimiento solo para llevar que tramites debería realizar.otra pregunta para el putumayo puedo hacer pedidos de licores de cali o medellin

    Marcela Hernandez

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