Cerveza en el Trabajo... ¿Por qué no? - Licores Medellín

Beer at Work... Why not?


Who doesn't like a cold beer on a hot afternoon to start the weekend, even in the office or workplace? Surprisingly, beer consumption in the workplace is on the rise, as more and more bosses choose to invite their employees to enjoy a beer together, during or after work. This practice is carried out with the purpose of fostering empathy between colleagues, celebrating colleagues' birthdays, taking active breaks or simply cooling off hot afternoons, thus creating a more relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

It is encouraging to see how this initiative is especially well received on weekends, when work tension increases and the pressure to complete tasks or serve clients increases. Providing the opportunity to share a beer with colleagues not only fosters moments of camaraderie, but also strengthens the bonds between team members and improves the work environment significantly. In addition to providing a well-deserved rest, these occasions promote a more positive and collaborative work environment, helping to reduce stress and increase motivation at work.

Several factors contribute to this trend of drinking beer at work:

  • Informality in the work environment, which favors openness to less conventional activities.
  • Search for a relaxed and collaborative environment to promote well-being at work.
  • Improve the work environment and motivate employees through social activities.
  • Establish closer ties between employees and bosses, promoting a friendlier relationship.

Moderate consumption of beer with or without alcohol at work can provide benefits such as:

  • Improve communication and collaboration between employees.
  • Reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a calmer and more productive environment.
  • Increase employee creativity and productivity.
  • Promote a sense of belonging and commitment to the company.
  • Improve the work environment by promoting moments of enjoyment and relaxation. It can even be a method to calm the waters between tense environments between coworkers.

Therefore, bosses must establish clear rules about alcohol consumption at work, which must be known and respected by all employees. If you plan to offer drinks to your employees at work, consider these tips to make the experience positive for everyone:

  • Opt for beers without alcohol or with low content, promoting an atmosphere of enjoyment (Costeñita, Coronitas, Corona or Heineken 0.0).
  • Create a relaxed and pleasant environment to encourage interaction between colleagues.
  • Limit the number of beers that each employee can drink, avoiding excesses (one round is enough).
  • Inform your employees about the risks of excessive alcohol consumption, promoting responsibility.
  • Don't just promote beer with or without alcohol, you can also opt for drinks such as soda, soft drinks or ice cream to liven up hot afternoons.

By following these tips, you can ensure that drinking beer at work is an activity that promotes coexistence and well-being for all team members. It is important to note that if the boss invites the first time, a healthy and permissive custom can be established in the company. Health!

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