Transporte de Licores, Cerveza y Cigarrillos por Volúmen en Colombia - Licores Medellín

Transportation of Liquor, Beer and Cigarettes by Volume in Colombia


If you transport shipments of cigarettes, liquor and beer, it is important to take into account the recommendations for the control and certification of the movement of products subject to consumption tax.

The Revenue units or secretariats of each department in Colombia play a crucial role in the control of products subject to consumption tax, such as liquors, beers and cigarettes. One of the control mechanisms used is the "Tornaguía", a unique document or certificate at the national level issued by the departmental authorities. This tour guide authorizes and supervises the movement of products subject to the consumption tax, which implies that a special permit is required to transport said products.

There are three types of turnaround: mobilization, forwarding and transit. The movement turntable is used for products that move from one department to another. For example, when the Caldas Liquor Industry sends a shipment to Antioquia, the vehicle in charge of transporting the merchandise must have a transportation guide that includes information such as the driver's full name, identification, vehicle license plate, quantity and the type of merchandise, among other data.

The forwarding schedule is used when products will be sent to another department. For example, if a supermarket in Valle has beers that are not being sold, but in the same supermarket in Risaralda there is a high demand, the supermarket in Valle decides to send its inventory of beers to Risaralda for marketing. In this case, the supermarket must obtain a forwarding guide.

Finally, the transit route is used for products that move from one municipality to another within the same department or that temporarily pass through another department. For example, when products are sent from Manizales to the municipality of La Dorada, which is located within the department of Caldas, but must pass through another department, such as Tolima, the corresponding tour guide is required. Even if the shipment does not go through another department, the transit guide must also be obtained, for example, when sending products from Medellín to Apartadó.

The request for this certificate is made in the income unit of each department. It is essential to exercise caution, since this is an important document in the transport of merchandise subject to consumption tax. The tour guide always includes the driver and vehicle data. In the event that the driver becomes ill or the vehicle has problems, a new guide must be obtained that reflects the new driver or vehicle data.

Remember that compliance with these controls and requirements is essential to ensure compliance with tax regulations and avoid possible penalties.

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Comments (9)

  • Soy comerciante de licores.. y esto interesada en las promociones

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